It is with regret that the organisers of the Retirement Fair announce that the Fair will not be run in 2015.

We have, over very many years, relied upon the generosity and goodwill of Ascot Racecourse for the use of the Grandstand as a splendid venue for the Fair. However, as the fair has grown it has created costs that the Racecourse is no longer able to absorb. These costs would in future be charged to the Retirement Fair but are of such a magnitude that challenge of raising the funds is considered almost insuperable.

We have considered greater commercialisation of the Fair but significant increases in exhibitor charges or the introduction of an entry fee would be contrary to the charitable community based focus of the Fair and the very reason why the organisers are prepared to dedicate so much time to the event.

The fair is organised by very few people one of whom no longer wishes to continue and the challenge of a greater burden of work and the need to raise additional funding will be a challenge we cannot meet. As a consequence the Retirement Fair will not take place in 2015. However, if people are prepared to volunteer to help with fund raising and marketing the event we will consider a Fair in 2016.

We apologise for any disappointment that this might cause.

Click here to view a short video taken at last year's fair

Organised by the Ascot Project

Registered Charity Number 1146466